National Library of Sweden, A 144
Collectar (Horologium Olomucense)
Bohemia, Olomouc, 1136–1142
ii, 161, iii' leaves
280–285 × 210 mm
The calendar has also been used as a necrology. As noted by Friedl (1927), p. 132, saints are mentioned on all days in the calendar.
f. 2r: St Aldegund (30 Jan.)
f. 3r: St Ludger (26 Mar.)
f. 3v: Sts Adalbert and St George (23 Apr.)
f. 5r: St Ulrich; Translation of St Martin
f. 6r: St Wenceslas (28 Sep.)
f. 6v: St Wolfgang of Regensburg (31 Oct.)
f. 7r: St Ludmila (10 Nov.)
The section begins with the invitatory antiphon for Sunday and ends with the Invitatory antiphon for Saturday. The Ferial psalter continues on f. 154r; the pages have been separated as a result of the re-binding of the book.
Collects and chapters for the following feasts:
ff. 18r–19r: Common of apostles;
ff. 19r–20r: Common of two apostles;
ff. 20r–21r: Common of evangelists;
ff. 21r–22v: Common of a martyr;
ff. 22v–23r: Common of a martyr and pope;
ff. 23r–24v: Common of martyrs;
ff. 24v–26v: Common of a confessor bishop;
ff. 26v–28r: Common of a confessor not a pope;
ff. 28r–28v: Common of many confessors;
Versicles and collects to the following suffrages:
f. 155v: St John the Baptist;
f. 155v: the apostles;
f. 155v: St Vitus;
f. 155v: St Wenceslaus;
f. 156r: St Adalbert;
f. 156r: St Benedict and his companions;
f. 157v: St Martin;
f. 157v: St Nicholas;
f. 157v: St Giles;
f. 158r: St Mary Magdalene;
f. 158r: St Ludmila the Martyr;
f. 158r: All saints.
The manuscript is decorated throughout. Rubrics in red. The decorations, in particular the miniature on (f. 34v), are discussed by Friedl (1927) Bistřický (1976) Bistřický (1985) Merhautová-Livorová (1986) Černý (2002) Černý (2009) Bistřický (2011), and others.
(f. 34v) Full-page miniature (159 x 211 mm) in blue, gold, green, red and several other colours. The theme of the miniature is the dedication of the cathedral St Weneclas in Olomouc, consecrated in 1131. In the centre Pope Gregory I, inspired by the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove. Gregory sits on a throne held up by two men. It has been suggested that they are to be understood as construction workers. They are noted as ‘MARC(VS)’ and ‘MODLATA’. To the left of the pope is a bishop indicated by the letters ‘I E’, possibly bishop Jan of Olomouc (1104–1126). To the right Jindřich Zdik, bishop of Olomouc 1126–1150, identified by the letters ‘H(enricus) E(piscopus)’, holding a roll with an antiphon in honour of Gregory I (CAO, no. 4031): ‘O GREGORI’). Above Zdik is a group of four persons, among them a beardless man with the inscription ‘DVX’, first identified by Bistřický as the Bohemian prince Soběslav I (1125-1140), in a later study as his successor Vladislav II (1140-1172). To the left of Gregory a group of eight persons, among them two monks in brown habits, indicated by the letters ‘R’ and ‘ABBAS’. It has been suggested that they are monks from the Benedictine monastery Hradisko near Olomouc. In the bottom right corner Petrus Diaconus as a scribe, indicated by the letters ‘PETR(VS) D(IACONVS)’. At the bottom self-portaits by the illuminators Hildebert (‘H PICTOR’) and Everwin (‘EVERWINUS’). The scribe ‘R (SCRIPT)OR’ depicted to the left, probably identical with the monk indicated by the letter ‘R’ to the left of Gregory. Hildbert and ‘R’ hold a scroll between them with the following antiphon (CAO, no. 7279 : ‘O PASTOR APOSTOLICE GREGORI BEATISSIME TVO POSCE PRECAMINE INCREMENTUM ECCLESIE TVO RIGATE DOGMATE AC DEFENSATE OPERE’. Written in the frame around the miniature: ‘PASTOR OVIS PREDAM QVERIT LEA MISTICA QVEDAM EST BOS PASTOR OVIS ET LEA VACCA BOVIS’.
Inhabitated/historiated initials: (f. 90r) eagle, (f. 95v) quadruped, (f. 99v) Christ, (f. 101v) bird, (f. 113v) St Peter with keys, (f. 117v) eagle, (f. 121v) quadruped, (f. 144r) St Lambert.
Dentelle initials in gold, red, blue and green over 2-5 lines.
Plain initials in red over 1-2 lines.
Repaired medieval binding. LCO original. Wood covered with pink leather. RCO beech wood, produced in 1974. Two new clasps attached to RCO. Spine removed, bookblock and sewing stations exposed. Three double bands (exposed, modern). In the 1850s, the manuscript was resewn on cords, reusing the 13th-century sewing station. The spine and the back cover were then covered with leather. In 1974, f. SL1r, then a pastedown, was removed and raised. The 19th century cover material (with the signum ‘A 144 ’on the spine) is kept in a separate box, together with a dummy of the quires made in 1974.
- Friedl (1927), pp. 11–28, 103–114.
- Dudík (1880), pp. 4–19.
- Bistřický (1976), pp. 3–11.
- Bistřický (1985), pp. 243–248.
- Černý (2002), pp. 87–110.
- Černý (2009), pp. 107–116.
- Bistřický (2011), pp. 61–158.
- Havel (2022), pp. 504–507.