Mirrored imprints in red and black ink from a lost flyleaf. Top, in black ink by a modern hand: ‘Inköpt från Ludw. Rosenthals Antiquariat i München, för 120 Reichsmark. Insänd 19/7 1886, betalt 31 jan. 1887 o. under s.d. inskrifven.’ Bottom left corner: National Library book label with current signum in black ink.
(f. SL1v)
Top of page, in brown ink by a modern or early modern hand: ‘Loser’. Middle of page, in faded brown ink by an early modern hand: ‘Posem’.
Top of page, in pencil by a modern hand: ‘M. O J. - Rosenstein H.’
Unit 1
(f. L1r)
From top to bottom: In brown ink by a modern hand: illegible letters, followed by the words ‘de Cahier’. Underneath this: illegible letters, followed by the words ‘de Racine’. In red-brown ink by a modern or early modern hand: ‘C.1.’ In pencil by a modern hand: ‘A 92.’ In brown ink by a modern hand: ‘Saec. XIV fere scriptum.’ In pencil by a modern hand: ‘Manuscr. a.d. Anfg. d. 16 Jahrh.’ In black ink by a modern hand: ‘Breviarum för Birgittinerklostret Gnadenberg i Baiern (Oberpfaltz) 1465?-1505.’ In pencil by a modern hand: ‘* invigdt 1451’ (an asterisk in pencil is also found after the word ‘Gnadenberg’). In pencil by a modern hand: ‘Blad 76 och 77 överhoppade vid folieringen’. In pencil by a modern hand: ‘97.’
(f. L1v)
Top of page, in black ink by a modern hand: ‘Inköpt till Kongl. Biblioteket från Rosenthals antiquariat i München 24 Juli 1886 för 120 mark’. Middle of page, in pencil by a modern hand: ‘Birgitta 79-106. officium’, ‘Katherina 67-69. officium’.
(ff. 1r–6v)
In pencil by a modern hand: names of months. In red or brown ink by the main medieval hand: notes concerning events, commemorations and deaths in Gnadenberg monastery. The following addtions are also noted in the margin, in blue pencil by a modern hand: ‘Fr. Faber B. Pesler’, ‘1451’, ‘1468’, ‘1463’ and ‘1472’.
(f. 37r)
Bottom of page, in dark brown ink by a contemporary hand: the lyrics to the antiphon ‘Gressus meos dirige domine secundum eloquiam tuum’.
(f. 51v)
Bottom of page, in brown ink by a contemporary hand: ‘perpetuum noli domine tue miseractionis presta subsidium quibus et angelica sufragia prestitisti non deesse per dominum’
(f. 52v)
Upper left margin, in brown ink by a contemporary hand: ‘vacat’
(f. 53r)
Bottom of page, in brown and red ink by a contemporary hand: ‘Collecta Deus qui ecclesie tuae per beatum augustinum antistitem tuum vere sapientie arcana propitius sererasti (!) eius nobis meritis tribue id sincere quod docuit intellige et efficaciter adimplere per dominum’
(f. 54v)
Underneath the text, in brown ink by a contemporary hand, perhaps the same as the main scribe: Three lines of an antiphon starting ‘Augustine flos doctorum’. At the bottom of the page, in dark brown ink by a contemporary hand: ‘Adesto [--- 4 chars ---] supplicatoribus nostris omnipotens deus: et quibus fidutiam sperande pietatis indulges intercedente beato Augustino confessore tuo atque pontifice consuete misericordie tue tribue benignus effectum per dominum’
(f. 79r)
Bottom of page, in black ink by a contemporary hand: ‘Et nos igitur hys contra euthicen dictis extollamus vocem cum ecclesia katholica cuius hec mulier typum gessit Extollamus et mentem de medio turbarum dicamusque saluatori beatus venter qui te portavit et vbera que suxisti’
(ff. 79v–86v)
In the margins, in pencil by a modern hand: References to page numbers.
(f. 145v)
In brown ink by the same hand as the main text: ‘Protege domine famulos tuos subsidiis pacis et beate marie semper virginis patrociniis confidentes a cunctis hostibus et periculis redde securos per christum’. Underneath this text: ‘Domine sancte pater qui corpus quod filio tuo de virgine maria sumpsisti illesum in tumulo conservasti incorruptum suscitasti conserua quesumus corpora nostra munda et immaculata in tuo sanctissimo seruicio et dirige viam meam in hoc tempore ut cum dies iudicii magnus et terribilis aduenerit inter sanctos tuos resuscitentur et anime nostre tecum eternaliter gaudeant et electis tuis sociari mereantur in nomine + patris et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen’
Unit 2
(f. 163v)
Bottom of page, in brown ink by a contemporary hand: ‘Omnipotens sempiterne deus qui vitam beati sebaldi confessoris tui per huius seculi erumnas laudabilem transire fecisti quesumus eius intercessione plebem clementie tue supplicantem in presenti festiuitate commemoracione foueas et post huius vite cursum ad celestia regna perducas per dominum’
(f. 164v)
Bottom of page, in dark brown ink by a contemporary hand: ‘Item Ewangelium istut cum omelia legitur in festibus sancte birgitte in monasterio ordinis nostri saluatoris in matutinis et ewangelium solum in missis’
Unit 3
(ff. 165r–173r)
In the margins, in brown ink by contemporary hands: minor additions, for example references to numbers.
(f. 166v)
Top of page, in light brown ink by a contemporary hand: ‘quam usque in finem casti coniugis consensu deo teste conseruauit’
(f. 174v)
Top of page, in red ink by a contemporary hand: ‘O kunegund’. Bottom of page in brown ink by a contemporary hand, written upside down: ‘Presentetur hec hystoria fratri Willibaldo Marstaller in Monte Gracie professo. Scitote me presentasse literas vestras in Ingelstat, eciam unam prefecto in Sanser.’