National Library of Sweden, A 92
Breviary for the Birgittine monastery Gnadenberg in Oberpfalz
Germany, Gnadenberg monastery, late 15th to early 16th century
i, 175 leaves
195–215 × 140–150 mm
3 units
Unit 1
Notable feasts:
f. 1r: St Erhard of Regensburg (8 Jan.);
f. 2r: St Cunigunde (3 Mar.); St Katarina of Vadstena (22 Mar.);
f. 2v: St Adalbert of Prague (23 Apr.);
f. 3r: Translation of St Birgitta (28 May);
f. 4r: St Willibald of Eichstätt (7 July); St Birgitta (23 July);
f. 5v: St Birgitta (7 Oct.).
Important events in Gnadenberg monastery are noted by the main scribe,
for example:
f. 3r: ‘Obiit frater iohannes roperger in vigilia ascensionis anno mocccc 72’;
f. 4r: ‘mccccli Inclusio regularis facta est’;
f. 5r: ‘Anno domini mocccolxxviiio combustum est mollendinum nostrum negligenter’;
f. 6r: ‘obiit dominus vincentius primus confessor huius monasterii’.
ff. 8r–49v: Ferial psalter with antiphons, prayers and canticles (Psalms on ff. 11r–12r and f. 37vadded at a later stage); ff. 50r–50v: major prayers, ending with two antiphons to the Virgin, Lundén (1947), pp. 151–153;
St Mary;
the angels;
the apostles;
St Stephen;
St Willibald;
St Augustine;
St Birgitta;
St Walpurga;
St Anne;
Hymn to St Augustine.
ff. 83v–85v‘Rosa rorans bonitatem’, antiphon by Nicolaus Hermanni; AH 25, no. 57.
ff. ff. 86v–103r Legend of St Birgitta, ‘Ecce descripsi eam tibi tripliciter’
ff. ff. 103r–105r Hymns to St Birgitta, ‘Salue decus feminarum’, AH 33, no. 69; ff. ff. 105v–106r ‘Beatarum mulierum Birgitta sanctissima’ ; AH 46, no. 199.
Unit 2
Unit 1
Unit 2
Layout 1
Unit 1
Various hands, mostly hybrida, often difficult to distinguish.
Unit 2
Hand 8
(f. 164v)Hybrida, similar to Hand 4.Unit 3
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 1
Main text in brown ink. Rubrics in red. Capitals touched in red.
Unit 2
Main text in brown ink. Capitals touched in red, underlinings in red. Rubrics in brown or red ink.
Plain initials in red over 1-2 lines. (f. 146r) Penwork initials in brown and red ink with interior reserved shapes over 2-3 lines.
Unit 3
Main text in brown-black ink. Capitals touched in red. Underlinings in red. Rubrics in brown or red.
Plain initials in red over 1-2 lines.
Musical Notation
Late medieval binding. Light brown leather over wooden boards. Two endbands and three double raised bands. Traces of five bosses on LCO and RCO. On LCI and RCI mirrored imprints of former pastedowns. On Spine, stamped in gold:‘ A 92’.
Tooled in blind with double frames on all sides with rectangular patterns in the middle. In the middle panel an X-shaped pattern with surrounding patterns of flowers and lozenges with a foliated staff in the middle.
- Lehmann (1937), pp. 143–144.
- Lundén (1950), p. 74.
- Hedlund (1980), p. 45.