National Library of Sweden, A 92a
Processional for Birgittine use
Germany, Maihingen, 1499
68 leaves
190–200 × 140–150 mm
Latin, German
The contents of the processional - antiphons, responsories, tropes, glorie, and hymns – is printed by Geete as ‘Cantus sororum’ in his edition of the Birgittine liturgy as preserved in Stockholm, National Library, A 12, but follows a different order from Geete's edition.
f. 14 has been incorrectly placed, resulting in a disruption in the order of the text; the correct placement of f. 14 is after f. 15. The misplacement is signalled on f. 13v, f. 14v, and f. 15v, by marginal notes in German with a corresponding reference mark on f. 13v, f. 14r, f. 14v, f. 15r, and f. 15v.
The last couple of items – two responsories with following verse, and a gloria in a different medieval hand, for Maccabees, highlighted by the marginal note ‘Contra Turcas’ – are not included in Geete.
The index is organised by rubrics, in German, for each feast day; under each rubric follows the incipits of the material to be sung, in order, followed by the contemporary folio number on which the item in question is found.
f. 68v Guidelines, no text.
Secundo folio
Watermark 1
ff. 1–44,Watermark 2
ff. 33–68,Additions
(LCI), woodcut of St Birgitta standing with her customary symbols: a book, the pilgrim's staff, and hat; frame in black with vegetative ornaments; upper left corner, a coat of arms with ‘SPQR’. The print is coloured in red, green, pink/beige, and blueish grey. For a more detailed discussion, see Lindqvist Sandgren.
Notation and main text in black ink.
(f. 1r) Opening puzzle initial ‘R’ in bright and dark red ink over two staves and text lines. (ff. 1v–64v) Plain initials in red ink over one stave and text line, some with reserved interior shapes and/or penwork in red ink. (ff. 2r–62v) Plain initials in black ink over one stave and text line with flourishing in red or black ink, and in counterspace sometimes a flower (e.g. (f. 39v), (f. 40r), (f. 55v), (f. 62v)), sometimes a chequered pattern (e.g. (f. 2v), (f. 45r), (f. 60r)), and sometimes a face ((f. 2r), (f. 5v), (f. 18r), (f. 22r), (f. 24r), (f. 29v), (f. 37v), (f. 57v)).
Musical Notation
Square notation.Binding
Medieval binding. White leather over bevelled wooden boards. 3 double raised bands and endbands. 1 hooked clasp with a white leather strap; both clasp and catchplate decorated with a vegetative motif. Lower left corner of LCO: National Library book label with current signum.
LCI: paper pastedown glued on top of fragment from a 12th-century manuscript with neumes; RCI: fragment of same manuscript as on LCI glued on top of paper pastedown.
- Collijn (1945).
- Hedlund (1980), p. 43.
- Huebner (1973), p. 89.
- Huglo (2004), p. 449.
- Karl & Faber Antiquariat (1934), p. 16, no. 70.
- Krämer (1989), p. 524.
- Kurras (2001), pp. 35–36.
- Schier (2013), pp. 268–287.
- Servatius (1990), p. 59.