National Library of Sweden, A 97
Missal, secular use of Linköping diocese
Sweden, second half of the 15th century
124 leaves
285 × 205 mm
2 units
Unit 1
The three first leaves of the calendar are missing, leaving only the months of July-December. Notable feasts:
f. 1r: St Alexius (17 July);
f. 1r: St Birgitta (23 July, the date of her death, here recorded as the ‘translatio’);
f. 1r: St Anne (26 July);
f. 1r: St Botvid (28 July);
f. 1r: St Olof (29 July);
f. 1r: St Elin (31 July);
f. 1v: Transfiguration of Jesus (6 Aug.);
f. 2r: St Marcellus (4 Sep.);
f. 2r: Sts Gorgonius and Dorotheus (9 Sep.);
f. 2r: Wenceslaus (28 Sep.);
f. 2v: Translation of St Eskil (6 Oct.);
f. 2v: St Birgitta (7 Oct. with the octave 14 Oct.);
f. 2v: St Cordula (22 Oct.);
f. 3v: St Anne (9 Dec.).
f. 2r: An obit entry on 12 September was added 1575, see Additions.
Unit 2
The proper of time begins with the First Sunday of Advent and ends with the Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity and the mass for the Sunday before the First Sunday of Advent. All songs are fully notated. One bifolium is lost between f. 89v and f. 90r, resulting in the loss of the end of the Sixth Sunday after Trinity and the beginning of the Seventh Sunday after Trinity.
ff. 37v–37Ar: guidelines and ruling but no text. No loss of text between f. 37v and f. 38r.
This part begins with the priest's prayers before Mass and ends with prayers to be said after Mass. The prefaces are set to music.
f. 109rb: The canon. The initial has been cut out. No canon image.
The Proper of saints begins with the vigil for St Andrew (29 Nov.). An unknown number of quires are missing between f. 113v and f. 114r, resulting in the loss of most of the feast of the Purification (2 Feb.) and the beginning of the feast of St John the Baptist (24 June), as well as all feasts between these dates. On account of missing quires the proper ends imperfectly with the feast for Sts Simon and Jude (28 Oct.). Notable feasts:
f. 116rb: St Knut (10 July);
ff. 117ra–117rb: St Birgitta (23 July);
ff. 117va–117vb: St Botvid (28 July);
ff. 117vb–118ra: St Olof (29 July);
ff. 118ra–118rb: St Elin (31 July);
f. 123rb: Translation of St Eskil (6 Oct., rubric only);
f. 123rb: St Birgitta (7 Oct., rubric only).
Support 2
LCIUnit 1
Watermark 1
ff. 1r,Unit 2
Unit 1
The three extant leaves are what remains of an original ternion. The paper is brittle. Outer cornes are lost and edges are fraying. Burn marks on outer margin on f. 1r are showing through to the rest of the leaves in the quire.Unit 2
Paper is worn, edges brittle, upper corner missing on most leaves. Most leaves stained and affected by moisture. Contemporary and modern repairs are visible throughout, e.g. ff. 14, 35, 68, 73. A hole from a burn has been repaired on ff. 60–61. A piece is missing from top of page on f. 95 resulting in some text loss. One bifolium is lost between ff. 89v–90r and an unknown number of quires are missing between ff. 113v–114r. After f. 123 several leaves have been cut out, leaving the proper of saints incomplete.Layout
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 1
Text written in black and red ink.
Unit 2
Written in black ink with red for rubrics and initials.
Plain initials in red and black over 1-2 lines, hanging I in red over 3-6 lines. For notated texts red and black initials, sometimes with interior reserved shapes, over the entire staff, e.g. (f. 67v). These are not always written in but space is reserved and guide letter present, e.g. (f. 83r). (f. 33r): Red initial ‘C’ over 6 lines with interior reserved shapes. In the counterspace a green decoration with interior reserved shapes and red dots.
Musical Notation
Unit 2
Square notation over a four-line staff.Binding
Late medieval binding. Dark brown leather over wooden boards. Four double raised bands and two endbands. Three clasps. On Spine a modern leather label stamped in gold: ‘Missale Lincopense M S C’; and below: ‘A 97’.
LCO, blind tooling filled in with red. Double lines creating a centre panel, which is divided by double lines horisontally, vertically and diagonally. Probably the same decoration on the RCO.
- Lindberg (1923), pp. 37–38.
- Kjöllerström (1941).
- Johansson (1951), pp. 65–68.
- Johansson (1951), pp. 43–51.
- Kroon (1951), pp. 11–21.
- Helander (1957).