National Library of Sweden, A 100
Breviary (fragmented)
Sweden, 15th century
186 leaves
190 × 135 mm
Almost the whole Proper of time is missing on account of lost quires and pages.
ff. 1r–1v contains readings, probably for the First and Second Saturday after Epiphany. They are excerpts from sermons by Ps. Augustine and Ps. Maximus.
ff. 3r–3v contain readings for the feast De prophetis (the beginning is missing); ff. 3v–5v contain readings from Ezek. 2-7 for Sundays and weekdays; ff. 5v–14v contain readings and collects for the twenty-five Sundays after Trinity. Despite the inserted dummy-leaves no text is missing between f. 3 and f. 4 nor between f. 13 and f. 14.
On f. 14v two texts have been added in different contemporary hands. The first contain instructions on how to procede if there are more than twenty-five sundays after Trinity, the second on how to celebrate the Octave for St Andrew.
The Proper of saints begins with the Vigil for St Andrew and ends with St Linus.
The bottom part of f. 148vb is damaged making it impossible to ascertain that the text for St Linus is complete.
An unknown number of leaves are missing after f. 24v, which contains the readings for the third nocturn for St Anne (9 Dec.). The Proper continues on f. 2r, which should precede f. 25r, with the end of the feast of the Purification (2 Feb.). All feasts between 9 Dec. and 2 Febr. are thus missing.
No loss of text between f. 30 and f. 31 despite inserted dummy-pages.
On f. 40v the Proper of saints ends after what seems to be the fourth reading for St Ambrose (4 April). It is followed by the Common for one martyr in two versions depending on the degree of solemnity. The proper continues on f. 41 with Sts Tiburtius and Valerianus (14 Apr.). Notable feasts:
ff. 23r–24v: St Anne (9 Dec.);
ff. 70v–71r: St Botvid (28 July);
No text is missing between f. 159 and f. 160 despite the change of hands and the inserted dummy pages.
ff. 159rb–161vb: Common for apostles;
ff. 161vb–164ra: Common for evangelists;
ff. 164ra–165va: Common for one martyr (no text is missing despite the dummy pages inserted between f. 164 and f. 165);
ff. 165va–167rb: Common for many martyrs (no text is missing despite the dummy page inserted between f. 165 and f. 166);
ff. 167Arb–168vb: Common for a confessor and bishop (the text runs uninterrupted from f. 167Av, to the inserted note f. 167B and on to f. 168r, despite the change of hands);
ff. 168vb–169va: Common for a confessor not bishop;
ff. 169va–171va: Common for many confessors (the leaves have become disordered in the conservation process. Correct order: f. 169, f. 171);
ff. 171va–172vb: Common for a virgin (the leaves have become disordered in the conservation process. Correct order: f. 171, f. 170, f. 172, despite the change of hands);
Binding, whole quires and single leaves are missing. Some leaves must have been missing already in the fifteenth century, since leaves with the missing text have been supplied, see e.g. ff. 160r–167Br. The extant quires are loose and the condition of the quires and leaves is poor. The paper is brittle and shows signs of corrosion from the ink. Parts are missing from some leaves, e.g. ff. 1–2, f. 149. A preservation was made in 1974, which is probably when some pages were reinforced and a number of dummy-pages added for support. Some leaves have become unordered in the conservation process and dummy-pages have sometimes been inserted where no leaves are missing, giving the impression that text has been lost, see description in Contents.Layout
Plain initials over two lines in red, some in black, e.g. (f. 10r), (ff. 169r–169v), some with light flourishing in red or brown, e.g. (f. 10r) (f. 116v), (f. 177v). A few hanging ‘I’s and ‘P’s and ‘F’s with descenders along the column, e.g. (f. 148r), with flourishing (f. 49v). (f. 36v): Plain initial ‘I’ in red over three lines with flourishing extending above and below along the column. (ff. 117r–119r): Four plain initials in both black and red with flourishing.
No binding.