Laudetur sancta trinitas trinitas Deo dicamus gratias Haleluia
| thes wari pris i ewighett ewighett then heliga trefollighet haleluia
Latin hymn with the Swedish translation on alternating lines. The Latin hymn is known, in similar form, from the 14th century (Dreves (1886), p. 164, no. 178). The hymn with its Swedish translation was printed in Stockholmin 1572 (Then swenska psalmeboken, ff. 69v–70v).
The folio transmits an instruction for when to begin a historia together with a note on which Sunday is to be counted as the first of the month. The fragment is mounted on a piece of modern paper and the verso is therefore covered.
Top left corner: in pencil by a modern hand, the current signum, ‘A 127’;
centre of page: in ink by a modern hand, ‘Ur ett exemplar af Breviarium Lincopense 1493’.
(f. 2v)
Top of page: in brown ink by a medieval hand, ‘Hymnus de sancto Laurentio’.
(f. 3r)
Lower part of page: in red ink by a medieval hand, ‘Vbi non est ordo ibi est confusio’; below, in brown ink by a different medieval hand, ‘Anton ? [--- 8 chars ---] duo solstitia’.
Leaves contained in a piece of folded modern paper.
The note at the top of f. 3r indcates a date of ca 1573. Sweden as the place of origin is suggested by the translation into Swedish accompanying the hymn Puer natus est on ff. 1v–2r. According to a former librarian's note, the fragment is a copy of the Breviarium Lincopense printed in Nurembergin 1493; this, however, has not been possible to confirm.