National Library of Sweden, A 170
New Testament
Bohemia?, Moravia?, 15th century
i, 234, i' leaves
305–310 × 210–215 mm
(ff. 1ra–8va)
Index 1
Nota registrum super nowum (!) testamentum et cetera
Index of readings from the New Testament keyed to the liturgical year and different liturgical feasts. Ends with the phrase ‘baba stara et cetera’.
(ff. 8vb–9vb)
Index 2
Sequitur registrum de sanctis primo de conuer⟨sione⟩
Index of readings for different feasts.
(ff. 9vb–11vb)
Index 3
Item incipiuntur Epistole de communi et primo de apostolis Ezechielis
Index of the Bible, divided into Old and New Testament, sorted in categories from the Common of saints and divided into two groups, Epistles or Gospel.f. 9vb: apostles; f. 10rb: martyrs; f. 11rb: confessors; f. 11va: virgins.
f. 11vbNomen scriptoris si tu cognoscere velis Sit ter ar primum nolque secundum dusque supremus
(ff. 12ra–12rb)
Prologue to Matthew
MAtheus ex iud\e/a sicut in ordine primus ponitur
RB, no. 590.
(ff. 137ra–162ra)
Historia libris actuum apostolorum
Anno nono decimo imperii Tyberii cesaris
que tu dicis Stans ergo
Sequitur Actus apostolorum in secunda parte
PL, vol. 198, cols. 1645–1722.
(ff. 162va–182ra)
f. 182raExplicit actus apostolorum per manus N et cetera baba sta Finis adest operis mercedem
(ff. 182rb–185vb)
⟨L⟩Iber generacionis ihesu christi (Mat. 1:1) [...]Requirit enim hec scriptura candidissimum pargamenum (!)
The text appears to be a commentary or lecture. It starts with a discussion of Matthew 1.
(ff. 186ra–189va)
Acts of Christ from Palm Sunday to Holy Wednesday
Que christus fecit in die palmarum
DIco primo quod hystoria passionis christi incidendo a die dominica
et est nobis ex parte christi uirtuose in formacionis et cetera
(ff. 189va–216va)
On the Passion of Christ
Incipiuntur concordancie passionum super omnes ewangelistas passio sequitur
SCitis quia post biduum pascha fiet (Matt. 26:2) Matheus xxvi nota quod passio christi scribitur a matheo
Quod nobis concedat qui sine fine viuit et regnat in secula seculorum Amen Amen
Excerpts from and commentaries on the Four Evangelists regarding the Passion of Jesus.
Secundo folio
non tangere Finis
Modern foliation, numbers stamped in black.
Running titles in red ink.
1-3(12), 4(1+10), 5(10), 6(12), 7(1+10), 8(10), 9(1+10), 10-13(12), 14(12+1), 15-20(12)
VisColl collation. Quire 12 tentative, may consist of three singletons added to a quinternion. Parchment guards made of strips from an older manuscript.
Quire signatures in the form of letters at the end of every quire. (Some hardly visible due to trimming.)
220 ×
155 mm
Guidelines in ink.
Top left corner: National Library book label with current signum.
(f. SL1r)
Top left corner, in black ink by a medieval hand:
(ff. 12r–213r)
Throughout marginal and occasionally interlinear additions by several medieval hands. The additions mainly seem to be corrections and become less frequent after the first half.
(f. 71v)
A marginal note and some interlinear glosses in Czech.
(ff. 137r–162r)
Chapter indentifications in pencil by a modern hand. On (f. 137r) a note in Swedish attributed the text to to Petrus Comestor.
(f. Fragment_1)
A note placed between (f. 47v) and (f. 48r). One side of the note contains four partial lines of text in Czech by a medieval hand.
(f. Fragment_2)
A note placed between (f. 124v) and (f. 125r). One side of the note contains eight partial lines of text in ink by a medieval hand.
Main text in dark brown ink, rubrics in red, capitals touched in red.
Medieval binding. Originally brown leather over bevelled wooden boards. 4 double raised bands and endbands. Brass corner and centre bosses. Two pin strap buckles. Spine, remnants of an old label (text not legible) 5 paper labels wiht text in ink: ‘136’ or ‘138’; ‘No 5. 1. Novium Testamentum Latine. 2. Historia ecclesiastica temporis Christi’; stamped in gold: ‘A 170’; ‘5.’; ‘e. 30. 2. 5.’; ‘131.’, ‘291?’.
315 ×
235 ×
75 mm
Leather very worn (original colour almost completely gone). One strap missing, the second may be renovated. Several bosses missing. Boards exposed on edges. Original pastedowns removed.
The manuscript has been at the National Library since at least the 17th century. It is listed in Jaches's catalogue of 1695 (U 118:10) as X; in Jaches's catalogue of 1698 (U 122) as X; and in the catalogue of 1734 (U 125e) as X. The label ‘e. 30. 2. 5.’ (found on the Spine) is from Hammarsköld’s 19th century catalogue (U 133). The signum ‘131’ and ‘291?’ (also on the spine) have not been identified.
Statement of Responsibility
External Identifiers
Internal Identifiers