The original pastedowns have been removed and the board underneath is exposed. Offprint of the pastedown is visible on LCI and RCI. It seems to have been a text in German. Some sort of cloth material is attached to the inner part och the RCI and LCI (perhaps for attaching the bookblock to the cover).The offprint partially covers this cloth. On LCI remanants of an image can been seen. The image portrays a group of people, one of them a bishop. It is unclear whether this picture was originally on the pastedown and has been reconstructed or whether is was glued on later. Part of the image is visible on the board and part of it on the attached cloth.
Catchwords by two different hands on all quires except for the first two.
Parchment stained and dirty, the edges are stained green in places. Several holes and tears in the parchment, many of the tears have been repaired with stitching, e.g. bottom outer corner on f. 84. On f. 133 there is a tear through half of the leaf.
95 ×
60 mm
Guidelines and ruling in ink.
Hand 1
Gothic textualis.
Top left corner: National Library book label with current signum.
(f. 1r)
Top of page, black ink by a modern hand: ‘10 RB Du’; ‘Kgl. Bibliotht 1845’; below in brown ink: ‘IHB’.
(f. 2v)
Bottom of page, in brown ink by medeival hand: ‘Das buech gehertt schwester Elisabetha Luthenbergererin’.
(ff. 8r–223v)
Occasional additions in the margins by a contemporary hand. The additions usually consist of corrections. On (f. 110r) a longer additions has been made in bottom margin.
Some additions seem to by a hand, e.g. on (f. 39r) and (f. 59v), some of these are in German.
Paper note with three lines of writing by an early modern hand placed between (f. 152v) and (f. 153r). The content conserns st Agnes.
(f. 170r)
Bottom margin, contemporary two line addition ot the list of apostles.
Main text in black ink, rubrics in red, capitals touched in red.
(f. 18r): chapter puzzle initial D over 5 lines in red and blue. The intials is surrounded by flourishing in brown ink.
(ff. 8r–223v): plain initials over 1-2 line alernating in blue and red. On (f. 8r) and (f. 18r) the initials have some flourishing in brown ink; on (f. 32r) and (f. 111v) flourishing in red ink.
Medieval binding. Brown leather over wooden boards. 3 double raised bands and endbands. Originally hooked clasps, now missing. Spine, stamped in gold: ‘A 185’; ink on paper label: ‘708’.
145 ×
110 ×
70 mm
Blind tooled decoration on both covers consisting of series of medallions filled with flowers and surrounded by geometrical and vegetative shapes.
Leather heavily worn. Boards visible in several places, damage to leather and boards where the clasps used to be, endbands exposed.