National Library of Sweden, A 229
Book of Hours
France, Paris, 15th century, middle
iii, 220, ii' leaves
165 × 115 mm
Latin, French
Some notable feasts are:
f. 4r: St Genevieve (3 Jan.; in gold);
f. 4r: St Frambald (7 Jan.);
f. 4v: St Beatrice (30 Jan.);
f. 4v: St Metrannus (31 Jan.);
f. 5v: St Susanna (19 Feb.);
f. 5v: St Veronica (26 Feb.);
f. 6r: St Potentianus (8 March);
f. 6v: St Blanchart (11 Mar.);
f. 7r: St Timothy (6 Apr.);
f. 7r: St Macarius (7 Apr.);
f. 7r: St Prochorus (as ‘precor’; 9 Apr.);
f. 8r: St Venantius Fortunatus (5 May);
f. 8v: St Ambrose (17 May);
f. 9r: St Landry (10 June);
f. 9r: St Basil (as ‘babille’; 14 June);
f. 9r: St Florus (15 June);
f. 9v: St Marina (18 June);
f. 11r: St Yon (Jonius) of Chartres (5 Aug.);
f. 11v: St Omer (Audomar; 16 Aug.);
f. 11v: St Mederic (as ‘merri’; 29 Aug.; in gold);
f. 12r: St Chrodegang (3 Sep.);
f. 12v: St Leufred (‘lieffroy’; 17 Sep.);
f. 13r: St Charitina (as ‘christine’; 5 Oct.);
f. 13r: St Denis (9 Oct.; in gold);
f. 13r: St Reginbald of Speyer (13 Oct.);
f. 13v: St Cerbonius (17 Oct.);
f. 14r: St Faustus (15 Nov.);
f. 14v: St Genevieve (27 Nov.; in gold).
Listed after the prayer are the incipits ‘Pater noster ’and ‘Aue maria’.
The bifolium making up f. 25/ f. 30 has been incorrectly placed in the sequence; it should come after the bifolium making up f. 26 / f. 29; consequently, ff. 26r–26v contain text belonging to Obsecro te.
f. 31v: full-page miniature: St Katherine with her attributes, a sword and a broken wheel; kneeling in prayer in front of her, the owner of the book, Katherine de Brunfay; below: a banner with her name, ‘KATHERINE DE BRVNFAY’.
f. 208r: St Anthony;
f. 208v: St Sebastian (continues on f. 210r);
f. 209r: St Michael;
f. 210v: St Christopher;
f. 212r: St Dionysius;
f. 213r: St Nicholas;
f. 213v: St Katherine;
f. 214v: St Barbara;
f. 215v: St Margaret;
f. 216v: St Genevieve;
f. 217r: St Avoye (Aurea);
f. 217v: St Apollonia.
The bifolium making up f. 206 / f. 209 has been incorrectly placed in the sequence; it should come after the bifolium making up f. 207 / f. 208; consequently, f. 209r contains text from the rhymed prayer to the Holy Cross and the suffrages come in the incorrect order; they should begin with St Michael (f. 209r), and continue with St Anthony (f. 208r). An early modern hand has added signes-de-renvoi at the relevant places.
Secundo folio
Edges trimmed with some loss of border decorations and text of the maginal notations.Layout
Rubrics in red.
(ff. 1r–219r): border panels in the outer margin with floral motifs in reds, blues, greens, yellows, purples, and tendrils in black.
(ff. 4r–15r): Opening foliate initials ‘KL’ over 2 lines in blue and red (in alternating order) and outlined in black on a gold background outlined in black. Patterns in white inside letter bodies; foliage in red and blue in counterspace. (ff. 16r–218v): foliate initials over 2-3 lines in red or blue and outlined in black on a gold background outlined in black. Patterns in white inside letter bodies; foliage in red and blue in counterspace. (ff. 31r–210v): champ initials over 1 line in gold with black ouline on a red or blue background outlined in black. Counter space in red or blue with patterns in white. (ff. 22r–216v): line fillers: bars outlined in blackand coloured in half red, half blue with patterns in white, and a golden disc outlined in black at the middle.
Miniatures: (f. 16r): St John writing his Gospel; (f. 18r): St Luke writing his Gospel; (f. 19v): St Matthew writing his Gospel; (f. 21r): St Mark writing his Gospel; (f. 22v): the Virgin Mary with the Christ child; (f. 25v): the Virgin Mary with the body of Christ (Pietà); (f. 32r): the Annunciation; (f. 60r): the Visitation; (f. 72r): the Nativity; (f. 79r): the Annunciation to the shepherds; (f. 84r): the Adoration of the Magi; (f. 88v); the Presentation at the Temple; (f. 94r): the Flight into Egypt; (f. 102r): the Coronation of the Virgin Mary; (f. 108r): St John the Baptist; (f. 108v): St Stephen; (f. 109r): St Eustace; (f. 110r): St Lawrence; (f. 110v): St Maur; (f. 111r): St Germain; (f. 112r): King David; (f. 132r): the Crucifixion; (f. 141v): the Pentecost; (f. 149r): funeral mass; (f. 199r): Virgin Mary with the Christ child; (f. 205r): the Trinity; (f. 208r): St Anthony; (f. 208v): St Sebastian; (f. 209r): St Michael; (f. 210v): St Christopher; (f. 212r): St Denis; (f. 213r): St Nicholas; (f. 213v): St Katherine; (f. 214v): St Barbara; (f. 215v): St Margaret; (f. 216v): St Genevieve; (f. 217r): St Avoye; (f. 218r): St Apollonia. (f. 31v): full-page miniature: St Katherine with her attributes, a sword and a broken wheel; kneeling in prayer in front of her, the owner of the book, Katherine de Brunfay; below: a banner with her name, ‘KATHERINE DE BRVNFAY’. For further description of the decoration, see Lindqvist Sandgren.
Modern binding. Red leather over cardboard; a border of gilded leaves. 5 bands and endbands. Spine, stamped in gold: ‘Manuscrit du XVme Siècle’; below: the current signum ‘A 229’; below:‘ avez des miniatures’.
Gilded floral pattern.
- Gyllene böcker (1987), pp. 57 –57, no. 62.