National Library of Sweden, A 245
Visio Tundali
Germany?, 15th century
12 leaves
320 × 110 mm
Secundo folio
The booklet is in bad shape. The leaves are torn at the edges and frail. Almost all leaves also suffer from water damage, but the text is still legible. The first and last leaves are considerably darker than the rest, which indicates that the booklet has been in its current shape for some time.Script
Hand 1
Gothic cursive.Additions
19th-century cardboard folder. Binding consists of two separate folders, one placed inside the other. Outer_cover_outside, in brown ink:‘ A 245’; in black ink: ‘Visio Tundali’; National Library modern ex libris. Inner_cover_outside, in black ink by a 19th-century hand: ‘Omtalas i Sv. Forn. Skr. Sällsk. Handl. 1.2.’; ‘Visio Tundali alias Tungalli, Militis Hiberniensis De Penis (Poenis) inferni et gloria paradisi auctore marcho monacho an. Dom. mcxlic; In sua relatione Hibernia describitur, Acherontis partes transeuntur, Paradisi provinciole visuntur, Et quidam Fristinus, Reges illi Donathus, Conchaber, Cormachus, Hominesque Sancti Partricius, Aremathanus, Malachi, Danus, et Ruadanus breviter commemorantur.; chartaceus (codex): Paginas habet xxiv. Stockholm Junii 1842 S.S.’