CC0 1.0 Universal

Associated Manuscripts

Repository Shelfmark Heading
National Library of Sweden A 35 Collects and antiphons for the Office
National Library of Sweden A 39 Recommendatio parvula sive Salutatio beatae Mariae virginis gloriosae
National Library of Sweden A 149 Petrus Riga, Aurora
National Library of Sweden C 81 Recesses to Gutalagen
National Library of Sweden Isl. papp. 4:o 41 Knýtlinga saga
National Library of Sweden Isl. papp. 4:o 60 Yngvars saga víðfǫrla
National Library of Sweden Isl. papp. fol. 8 Islandiæ Nova Descriptio
National Library of Sweden Isl. papp. fol. 35 Saga Manuscript
National Library of Sweden Isl. papp. fol. 41 Saga Manuscript
National Library of Sweden Isl. papp. fol. 42 Egils saga Skalla-Grímssonar
National Library of Sweden Isl. papp. fol. 43 Laxdǿla saga
National Library of Sweden Isl. papp. fol. 60 Saga Manuscript
National Library of Sweden Isl. papp. fol. 64 Miscellany
National Library of Sweden Isl. papp. fol. 67 Saga Manuscript
Uppsala universitetsbibliotek C 56 Sermones de tempore (svensk/danska)