Robin Wahlsten Böckerman
Associated Manuscripts
Repository | Shelfmark | Heading |
Collects and antiphons for the Office |
Recommendatio parvula sive Salutatio beatae Mariae virginis gloriosae |
Petrus Olavi, Additions to the rule of Saint Saviour |
St Birgitta, Revelations Book 1-8, Sermo angelicus, Quattuor orationes, Epistola solitarii ad reges |
Chronicle of the archbishops of Uppsala until 1472 |
Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses |
The Epistles of Paul with commentary |
Petrus Riga, Aurora |
Richard of St Victor, Commentary on Revelation |
Bible |
New Testament |
Dominican breviary |
Ps.-Augustine, De spiritu et anima. Liber de septiformi distinctione rerum. Homilies |
Lactantius, Petrarch, Seneca, Agostino Dati. |
Palladius, Life of John Chrysostom |
Book of Hours |
Book of Hours |
Bartolomeo Facio, De vitae felicitate dialogus |
Book of Hours |
Visio Tundali |
Magister Mathias, Alphabetum distinccionum (fragments) |
The Lord’s Prayer in 20 languages |